• Syncing of your papers' library with Dropbox, Google Drive or OneDrive
• Listing of papers / books and displaying their main information (title, authors, publisher, year published, ...).
• Downloading the pdf of the paper when available
• Sharing the pdf of the paper when available
• Searching within references
• Advanced filters: favorites (Mendeley/Zotero) or flags, color labels, ratings (Papers)
• Advanced settings:
- resetting library data and reference manager type
- deleting local files
- hiding advanced metadata (labels, flags, etc.)
• (Beta) Altmetric scoring.
• (Now in Production) Local libraries: if you cannot put your library in a cloud, you can copy it on your local Android storage and load it into Aziz, Lite! Read our tutorial for more information: http://azizlite.ezbio.net/index.php?p=blog&id=7
• (Beta) Secondary storage: you can choose to store the downloaded PDFs either on the internal memory or an external SD card!
• (Beta) Fast Loading of papers: if you have a large number of papers, you can choose to load them at the same time as they are displayed, so that you can access them while the others are still loading.